
Welcome to Confident COVID Bubbles! In this class, I'm going to give you strategies and tips for both setting boundaries and staying connected with the people you love, all while navigating a pandemic. This is a class for people who want to protect themselves and other people from COVID, while maintaining important relationships.

With winter and the holidays coming up, it may seem harder than ever to navigate competing desires to connect and stay away from people. Perhaps the people you love are pushing you to spend time in close proximity with them. Maybe you're desperate to travel to see family. Perhaps you and a loved one have different ideas of what constitutes "safe." It could be that you're staring down the barrel of a solo winter alone and want a different option. Maybe your local governments are sending mixed messages about what is okay to do. There's a lot that's hard right now. My aim with this class is to make it easier for you.

In this class we will not get into epidemiology or government policy. Nor will I tell you what your boundaries or someone else's boundaries "should" be. Instead, we will look at how to access accurate information in your area and how to assess risk and understand risk tolerance (your own and others'). We'll explore what COVID harm reduction can look like. You'll learn practical communication tools to help your conversations, use informed consent practices to keep everyone on the same page, and get some creative and innovative ideas for how you might move forward. And finally, we'll prioritize self-care and care for others as the guiding principles through it all.

I'm so glad you're here. Let's do this!


Marcia B.

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